South Africa to formally protest Trump’s ‘shithole countries’ remarksCNN AP News in Brief at 6:04 am ESTWashington Post South Africa to formally protest Trump’s ‘s—hole’ commentThe Hill Trump derides protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countriesWashington Post I’ve Been Blessed to Spend Most of My Life in ‘Shitholes’ Full coverage
Carillion collapse: What next?
Carillion collapse: What next?BBC News Construction giant Carillion goes into administrationUSA TODAY Time line: Carillion collapses under debt pile after profit warningsReuters Carillion collapses into liquidationThe Times Full coverage
Case Keenum, Vikings get the magic moment they’ve waited for
Case Keenum, Vikings get the magic moment they’ve waited forESPN How Vikings pulled off the ‘Minnesota Miracle’, and broke a Saints safety Williams suffers sad ending to rookie Saints eliminated by Vikings on stunning final play: Final Full coverage
Missile-alert mistake feeds doubts about a real emergency
Missile-alert mistake feeds doubts about a real emergencyMyrtle Beach Sun News What went wrong with Hawaii’s false emergency alertCNN We Asked People In Hawaii How It Felt To Think An Inbound Missile Was Heading For ThemBuzzFeed News Pandemonium and Rage in HawaiiThe Atlantic After Hawaii false alarm, get serious about preparing for nuclear attackUSA TODAY […]
Hopes Dim for DACA Deal as Lawmakers Battle Over Trump’s Immigration Remarks
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