Before you can download the Netsweeper Internet Content Filtering software, you must activate it on your Quixnet account. Please follow the instructions below to activate and download the software.
Once the software has been downloaded, you will need to open the executable. This is how the icon will appear on the desktop in a default Windows XP installation. Double click this icon to begin installation.
The software has English, French, Spanish, and Portugese available. Click OK once the correct language has been selected.
Click Next > to continue.
You must agree to the license agreement by clicking I Agree to continue.
This controls the installation directory. This should not be changed unless you are aware of the implications. Click Install to continue.
Once the installation completes, click Finish with the Reboot now option selected to continue. This will restart your computer.
Once the computer finishes restarting you will have to enter the full email address of your primary account and the account password and then click Continue.
Once you log in it will list the profile that you are using and show which filtering options you use. It will give you the option to log out or log into Profile Management.
Everytime you restart your computer you will have to select a profie unless you set it to remember profiles via Profile Management. You may configure profiles to be password protected if you like, again via Profile Management.