Sri Lanka Bans all Face Veils After Easter BombingsSlate “”As of Monday, Muslim women in Sri Lanka will no longer be allowed to wear face veils in public. All types of face coverings that could hide someone’s identity …””View full coverage on Google News
Sri Lanka bans burqas for ‘public protection’ after bomb attacks – CNN
Sri Lanka bans burqas for ‘public protection’ after bomb attacksCNN “”Calling burqas “a security risk and a flag of fundamentalism,” Sri Lanka’s president is banning the garment worn by some Muslim women.””View full coverage on Google News
Spain goes to the polls in contentious snap election – The Washington Post
Spain goes to the polls in contentious snap electionThe Washington Post Spain Election: Divided Nation Holds 3rd National Vote Since 2015The New York Times Spain votes in pivotal election marked by far-right resurgenceAl Jazeera English Spain election 2019: How threat to Franco’s grave sparked far-right comeback – Spain Election 2019: What time do the […]
Spain Election: Divided Nation Holds 3rd National Vote Since 2015 – The New York Times
Spain Election: Divided Nation Holds 3rd National Vote Since 2015The New York Times 5 things to know about Spain’s snap Spain votes in pivotal election marked by far-right resurgenceAl Jazeera English Spain Election 2019: What time do the polls close, when will results be announced? The Observer view on the Spanish electionsThe Guardian View […]
Churches fall silent in Sri Lanka a week after attacks – Reuters
Churches fall silent in Sri Lanka a week after attacksReuters Sri Lanka bombings: ‘I invited the bomber into the church’BBC News 10 civilians and 6 suspected terrorists killed in police raid in Sri LankaCNN Indian police uncovered the Islamic State bombing plot that killed over 250 people on Easter Sunday, but Sri Lankan authorities didn’t […]