Trump’s high-wire act on trade risks a rough fallPOLITICO Where do American voters stand on trade and tariffs?CBS News Trump plans to declare new national emergency to impose tariffs | TheHillThe Hill Sorry Mexico, Senate Republicans won’t be coming to your rescue anytime soonThe Washington Post If Trump slaps tariffs on Mexican imports, you’ll pay […]
World War II Veterans Honored On D-Day’s 75th anniversary | NBC Nightly News – NBC News
World War II Veterans Honored On D-Day’s 75th anniversary | NBC Nightly NewsNBC News Hell freezes over as Jim Acosta, Joe Scarborough praise Trump’s D-Day speechFox News Trump’s speech at 75th D-Day anniversary in Normandy | Full remarksFox News It’s a shame that Trump represented the U.S. in Normandy on the 75th anniversary of D-dayLos […]
Where do American voters stand on trade and tariffs? – CBS News
Where do American voters stand on trade and tariffs?CBS News Trump plans to declare new national emergency to impose tariffs | TheHillThe Hill Mexico aims to avoid tariffs with potential deal limiting migrants going north, allowing U.S. to deport Central American asylum seekersThe Washington Post If Trump slaps tariffs on Mexican imports, you’ll pay more […]
Trump Honors D-Day Sacrifices, With Some Legacies Unspoken – The New York Times
Trump Honors D-Day Sacrifices, With Some Legacies UnspokenThe New York Times European leaders give Trump a history lessonCNN Trump, other leaders mark D-Day’s 75th anniversary in Normandy, FranceFox News Why we remember D-Day and the fight for freedom | TheHillThe Hill Arthur Herman: Could we launch another D-Day now?Fox News View full coverage on Google […]
At commemoration, Trump says D-Day vets are among ‘greatest Americans’ – The Boston Globe
At commemoration, Trump says D-Day vets are among ‘greatest Americans’The Boston Globe European allies made the D-Day landing at Normandy possible. 75 years later, Trump questions those bondsUSA TODAY Trump, other leaders mark D-Day’s 75th anniversary in Normandy, FranceFox News Trump and world leaders mark D-Day 75th anniversary: Live updatesCNN Arthur Herman: Could we launch […]