‘The whole island felt it’: Hawaii rocked by historic earthquake as new lava flows threaten homesWashington Post Hawaii’s Kilauea emits toxic gas from new cracks bubbling with lavaLos Angeles Times The Latest: Hawaii’s magnitude-6.9 quake biggest since 1975Miami Herald Lava claims another home as number of Kilauea eruptions growHawaii News Now In Hawaii, Neighborhoods Are […]
Giuliani: Despite Stormy Daniels Fumble, Trump Still ‘Loves Me’
Giuliani: Despite Stormy Daniels Fumble, Trump Still ‘Loves Me’HuffPost Stormy Daniels lawyer rips Giuliani over payment timing: Trump’s family only needed protecting during campaign?The Hill (blog) Report: President Trump Knew About Stormy Daniels Payment for MonthsNew York Magazine Trump Is Said to Know of Payment to Stormy Daniels Months Before He Denied ItNew York Times […]
Hawaii residents describe fear and shock after earthquakes, lava and gas
Hawaii residents describe fear and shock after earthquakes, lava and gasCNN Kilauea: Earthquakes follow eruptions from Hawaii volcanoBBC News Lava and strong earthquakes force mandatory evacuations on Hawaii’s Big IslandNBCNews.com Massive quake, eruptions prompts state of emergency on Big IslandHawaii News Now Why Hawaii’s Newest Eruption Makes Volcanologists NervousThe Atlantic Full coverage
Trump addresses NRA members for first time since Parkland
Trump addresses NRA members for first time since ParklandWashington Post Trump gives freewheeling, political address to NRAThe Hill Trump back in step with NRA after doubts over Parkland shootingReuters Trump’s NRA speech comes with an eye to 2018CNN Full coverage
President Trump today
President Trump todayCNN Trump Undercuts Giuliani About Payments to Stormy DanielsNew York Times Trump says Giuliani will ‘get his facts straight,’ knows Russia probe is ‘witch hunt’Fox News Giuliani’s Defense Only Intensifies the Legal Risks for TrumpThe Atlantic Trump’s tower of lies is crumblingWashington Post Full coverage