Trump campaign fires pollsters after leaked numbers show him trailing BidenCBS News Analysis | The Trailer: How to run for president without losing your jobThe Washington Post The Memo: Trump begins uphill slog to 2020 | TheHillThe Hill Confused by polls? Watch early primary states — not national numbers | TheHillThe Hill Arnon Mishkin: Don’t […]
Pelosi flexes muscle over party in impeachment debate, but ‘dam’ could collapse – Fox News
Pelosi flexes muscle over party in impeachment debate, but ‘dam’ could collapseFox News Trump campaign cutting ties with pollsters after internal numbers leakedNBC News Analysis | The Trailer: How to run for president without losing your jobThe Washington Post The rise of Elizabeth Warren spells bad news for the Democratic Party | TheHillThe Hill Arnon […]
Phoenix mayor apologizes for on-camera confrontation between cops and black family – New York Post
Phoenix mayor apologizes for on-camera confrontation between cops and black familyNew York Post “”The mayor of Phoenix has issued an apology for the “terrifying” on-camera confrontation between police officers, a local black couple and their two young …””View full coverage on Google News
Trump campaign fires multiple pollsters after unflattering numbers leak – CNN
Trump campaign fires multiple pollsters after unflattering numbers leakCNN “”President Donald Trump’s campaign fired several pollsters after internal polling numbers that showed the President lagging behind Democratic presidential …””View full coverage on Google News
Phoenix Mayor Apologizes After Video Of Police Drawing Gun On Family Over Stolen Doll – NPR
Phoenix Mayor Apologizes After Video Of Police Drawing Gun On Family Over Stolen DollNPR After a 4-year-old took a doll from a store, video shows Phoenix police pulling a gun on her parentsThe Washington Post Tense confrontation between Phoenix police and a young familyABC News ‘Inappropriate and clearly unprofessional’: Phoenix mayor on video of police […]