Pete Frates death: Man who inspired ice bucket challenge dies after ALS battle, aged 34The Independent Pete Frates, inspiration for ‘Ice Bucket Challenge,’ dies at age 34ESPN The Man Who Made the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Go Viral DiesInside Edition As a ballplayer and a person, Pete Frates hit it out of the parkThe Boston […]
Goldman: I Will Not Reveal ‘How We Conducted This Investigation’ | NBC News – NBC News
Goldman: I Will Not Reveal ‘How We Conducted This Investigation’ | NBC NewsNBC News House Judiciary Committee holds hearing on impeachment evidence: Live updatesFox News Takeaways from the House’s impeachment hearingCNN Democrats make a powerful, concise case for impeachmentThe Washington Post Liz Peek: Pelosi guarantees Trump reelection – impeachment, the resistance anger AmericansFox News View […]
‘Bang it harder’: Collins mocks Nadler for his heavy use of the gavel during impeachment hearings – Washington Examiner
‘Bang it harder’: Collins mocks Nadler for his heavy use of the gavel during impeachment hearingsWashington Examiner Takeaways from the House’s impeachment hearingCNN Lawyer for Democrats calls Trump ‘a clear and present danger’ as he argues case for removalThe Washington Post Liz Peek: Pelosi guarantees Trump reelection – impeachment, the resistance anger AmericansFox News The […]
Trump and Saudi Arabia stay close after Pensacola shooting – CNN
Trump and Saudi Arabia stay close after Pensacola shootingCNN NAS Pensacola shooting presumed to be ‘terrorism,’ Saudi student recorded attack on video, officials sayFox News Pensacola Attack Probed for Terrorism Link. Saudi Suspect Clashed With Instructor.The New York Times Navy base shootings in Pensacola and Pearl Harbor revive debate — and myths — about gunsNBC […]
Nativity scene: Claremont United Methodist Church shows holy family as caged refugees – CBS News
Nativity scene: Claremont United Methodist Church shows holy family as caged refugeesCBS News Church nativity displays Jesus, Mary and Joseph in cages, separated at the borderThe Washington Post A church nativity scene depicts Jesus, Mary and Joseph as refugees separated in cagesCNN Church nativity depicts Jesus, Mary and Joseph as family separated at borderNBC News […]